If you ventured into the online world and wanted to have a website designed, then you’ve most likely heard about web design and web development. Is there a difference between the two, and how do these influence the online world? In order to find out the answer to this question, let’s understand first what web design and web development are all about and how they can help us on a daily basis.
Web design
Web design pertains to the visual side of the website. It’s mostly focused on the looks of the website rather than its functionality, and it also places a major emphasis when it comes to the way that the customers interact with the web design as well.
In order to create a good web design you need to integrate the principles of web design, such as having a good balance, contrast and rhythm in order to obtain the best outcome.
Web design is also focused on usability and easy navigation, because this is what generates conversions and makes the website profitable, but at the same time helps with SEO and ranking as well.
Moreover, web design pertains mostly to graphics and the usage of design software, as this is what helps create the web design as a whole and which brings the website to life in its entirety. While the design is combined with code, there are many situations in which the designer will not create the code on his own. Instead, he will focus on other concepts, more specifically color, special relationships, user experience as well as audience and typography as a whole.
Web Development
While web design pertains mostly to the visual side of any website, web development is that portion that relates specifically to the operational side, also known as the back-end of the website. It’s a job that involves a lot of coding, programming and interactions. While the web design is focused mostly on the esthetics, web developers are more careful with the overall functionality.
A good web developer will know how to create and implement scripts on a website, how to program CGI, PHP but also have a good understanding about web forms and how they work, unlike the web designers that are more focused on graphics as a whole.
In the end, both the web design and the web development must work together in order to provide a professionally looking, fully functional website for any business. If a site is to be successful, it needs to have a good web design for user experience and good web development so it functions properly. Sure, the line does tend to get blurry because many developers are doing design and the other way around, but one thing is certain, both for them are a necessity for the modern web, as without them no website would exist.
quite informative and helpful one. thanks for sharing it.
Really thanks for sharing this useful post !! this post gives very good information about web development and web design.
Nice post
My workplace is looking to get a service to help bulk up our website (none of us at the office are super tech savvy) and it’s good to know that we shouldn’t just go with a web designer. Getting the programming and coding managed and upgraded is what we’re looking for; my boss already knows how he wants it to look in the end. It might not be a bad idea to have a designer look at the site too, though, just to make sure that it’s visually attractive to customers.
Hi Rhianna! Most web development companies are one-stop shops now-a-days. They usually have in house designers and developers that work as team to create websites. Unless you’re using freelancers. In which case you might find someone who only does the design or only does the coding/programming aspect.
Zakkleifeste very well wrote, I want to know regarding web development, where we use front-end-development? There is a major difference in web designing and web development? Is this possible web devilment and designing work in their own single way?